Multi-Best-Selling Author
and always a Marine
An Actionable Message Tailored for Your Audience

Craig Andrews (bio)
Craig Andrews is a U.S. Marine, turned electrical engineer and mobile phone designer, turned marketer and multi best-selling author. He's driven over a half-billion dollars in revenue during his career. In 2009, Craig launched his own company which became allies4me.
In August, 2021, Craig began three months in the hospital and six weeks in a coma when he nearly died. During that time, Craig's team ran allies4me without him. Now Craig shares lessons from the ledge of death and how they apply to both marketing and life.
Speaking Topics
How to Engineer the Ideal Sales Conversation
Use a Customer Value Journey like the stages of courtship. Add value at each and every stage. A First-Time Offer (FTO) is like a coffee date. It’s a low-commitment and low-risk way to test the relationship. When you do this well, your prospect starts asking you to “close the deal” (much like my wife asked me).
Your audience will gain insights they can start using immediately.
How Opinion Surveys and Focus Groups Are Hurting Your Business
Focus groups and opinion surveys feel good and responsible. But they’re packed full of pitfalls. We’ll show how the best TV commercial in history almost never made it past the focus group. And how another company scrapped $30 million of inventory when 200,000 opinion surveys told them the wrong answer.
More importantly, we’ll show you how to avoid these same pitfalls.
Take Control of Your Future with Predictive and Actionable Dashboards
Would you rather have vanity metrics or no metrics? Both are uniquely bad for their own reasons. We’ll show you how to build meaningful metrics to help you run your business. These metrics track the entire customer journey. For businesses with longer sales cycles, these metrics are essential to pinpoint and correct revenue or capacity problems before they happen. The tools in the presentation will be Google Analytics 4, HubSpot, and DataBox. But it doesn’t matter if you use different tools. We’ll focus on principles that you can apply using your own unique tech stack. We believe that your business should be boringly predictable. And we’ll show you how to get there.

What Others are Saying
Eric, Show and Event Organizer , Bethesda, MD
“Great new ideas were generated and have come up with two new FTOs that we will try ...
... I love your selling style – refreshing to see sincerity since so many sales trainers I have seen over the years come across as fake.”
Christy, Financial Advisor, Minneapolis, MN
“The concepts you teach are immediately implemented ...
... if it’s typically a 40-minute call, it’s down to 20-25 minutes ...
... We typically had a 30% to 40% [closing rate] ... but we’ve more than doubled it.”
Sharon, Financial Advisor, Austin, TX
“You are always talking about how it’s important to make sure your clients are delighted ...
... and you did that for us.”
Speaking Examples
How to Engineer the Ideal Sales Conversation (Podcast)
Craig joined Anika Jackson's top 0.5% podcast, Your Brand Amplified, to talk about using a First-Time Offer (FTO) to accelerate high-ticket sales. An FTO is like a coffee date. It’s a low-commitment and low-risk way to test the relationship. When you do this well, your prospect starts asking you to “close the deal” (much like my wife asked me).
Your audience will gain insights that will make sales magical for both the seller and the buyer.
How To Grow Your Lead Generation Business Through Podcasting
Craig joins Mark de Grasse on Digital Marketer's top 1% podcast.
What does it look like to appear as a guest on 53 podcasts in 2 months? Craig and Mark discuss how following a tough bout with COVID he embraced podcasting as a marketing strategy and, together with his wife, who curated the show requests, Craig garnered national and global attention to his inbound marketing company by appearing on some of the best podcasts around.
How to Engineer the Ideal Sales Conversation
Use a Customer Value Journey like the stages of courtship. Add value at each and every stage. A First-Time Offer (FTO) is like a coffee date. It’s a low-commitment and low-risk way to test the relationship. When you do this well, your prospect starts asking you to “close the deal” (much like my wife asked me).
Your audience will gain insights they can start using immediately.
How Opinion Surveys and Focus Groups Are Hurting Your Business
Focus groups and opinion surveys feel good and responsible. But they’re packed full of pitfalls. We’ll show how the best TV commercial in history almost never made it past the focus group. And how another company scrapped $30 million of inventory when 200,000 opinion surveys told them the wrong answer.
More importantly, we’ll show you how to avoid these same pitfalls.
Pricing Strategies Using Hidden Powers
Let the “holy wars” begin. We’ll fight back with science, psychology, and data. Pricing strategies are the battleground where good marketing dies. The HIPPO prevails, and fear drives decisions. What’s the HIPPO? It’s the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion … and the HIPPO is always right … right?
In this session, we’ll sever the HIPPO’s pricing powers with the battle sword of psychology. Its blade has been finely honed over rounds of user testing. Excalibur withers in the shadow of its powers.
When in Doubt, Serve Your Customer
Ever wonder why Michelin tires took a (seemingly) left turn into publishing restaurant guides? Find out the answer to this and more when you join Verse.io CEO David Tal and Principal Ally at allies4Me, Craig Andrews, as they sip cocktails (and tea) and discuss the crucial role serving the customer plays in building strong relationships and maintaining customer loyalty.